Thursday, April 28, 2011

Anxiety Disorder

What is ANXIETY DISORDER? saya terpanggil utk share masalah ni bkn sbb nak aibkan org lain tapi sbb sesuatu yg baru saya tahu dan terjadi dlm keluarga terdekat saya. Ketika mula2 beliau menceritakan masalah ANXIETY beliau kepada saya, saya masih tak faham, apa bende penyakit ni? teruk sangat ke smpi kene masuk hospital? susah ke nak jaga pesakit anxiety nie? dan mungkin Allah nak bagi saya faham dgn cara yg lebih senang iaitu dgn menjaga salah satu keluarga terdekat saya yg menderita anxiety dan yg lebih teruk lagi beliau mengandung. tiada ubat yg boleh diambil takut kandungannya terjejas. Keadaan beliau bertambah teruk bila beliau cuba mendalami agama Islam dgn cara membaca buku2 ilmiah dan bukan dgn berguru. Saya hanya mampu terdiam bila beliau agak terpesong dari apa yg saya pernah belajar dan apa yg selalu diamalkan. Saya berdoa agar beliau cepat sembuh kerana beliau seperti tidak sedar apa yg beliau katakan ketika ini kerana ANXIETY DISORDER itu. Okeh! saya tau saya agak skema disini.. tapi just nak share ape yg baru di alami dan mungkin berguna utk masa depan. Skang nak tido sbb she woke me up at 4.30am just want to have a chitchat with me! kesian kat die dan family. No matter what, they always have my support and LOVE. Luangkan masa sikit baca pasal ANXIETY ni ye. LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a pattern of frequent, constant worry and anxiety over many different activities and events.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a common condition. Genes may play a role. Stressful life situations or learned behavior may also contribute to the development of GAD.

The disorder may start at any time in life, including childhood. Most people with the disorder report that they have been anxious for as long as they can remember. GAD occurs somewhat more often in women than in men


The main symptom is the almost constant presence of worry or tension, even when there is little or no cause. Worries seem to float from one problem to another, such as family or relationship problems, work issues, money, health, and other problems.

Other symptoms include:

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Fatigue

  • Irritability

  • Problems falling or staying asleep, and sleep that is often restless and unsatisfying

  • Restlessness or feeling keyed up or "on the edge," often becoming startled very easily

Along with the worries and anxieties, a number of physical symptoms may also be present, including muscle tension (shakiness, headaches).

Depression and substance abuse may occur with an anxiety disorder.

Signs and tests

A physical examination and psychological evaluation can rule out other causes of anxiety. The health care provider should rule out physical disorders that may mimic anxiety, as well as symptoms caused by drugs. This process may include different tests.


The goal of treatment is to help you function well during day-to-day life. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and medications are the mainstays of treatment.

Medications are an important part of treatment. Once you start them, do not suddenly stop without talking with your health care provider. Medications that may be used include:

  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are usually the first choice in medications. Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are another choice.

  • Other antidepressants and some antiseizure drugs may be used for severe cases.

  • Benzodiazepines such as alprazolam (Xanax), clonazepam (Klonopin), and lorazepam (Ativan) may be used if antidepressants don't help enough with symptoms. Long-term dependence on these drugs is a concern. Short-term memory problems may also develop with long-term use.

  • A medication called buspirone may also be used.

Cognitive-behavioral therapies should be used together with drug therapy. Ten to 20 visits with a mental health professional should take place over a number of weeks. Common parts of this therapy include:

  • Gaining an understanding of, and control over distorted views of life stressors, such as other people's behavior or life events.

  • Learning to recognize and replace panic-causing thoughts, decreasing the sense of helplessness.

  • Learning stress management and relaxation techniques to help when symptoms occur.

  • Learning not to quickly think that minor worries will develop into very bad problems.

Avoiding caffeine, illicit drugs, and even some cold medicines may also help reduce symptoms.

A healthy lifestyle that includes exercise, enough rest, and good nutrition can help reduce the impact of anxiety.

Support Groups

Support groups may be helpful for some patients with GAD. Patients have the opportunity to learn that they are not unique in experiencing excessive worry and anxiety.

Support groups are not a substitute for effective treatment, but can be a helpful addition to it.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Jelebu wifi

Free wifi at Jelebu.. haha membuat saya lagi bersemangat utk pulang bersama ke kampung incik tunang... di tambah kan lagi bile ade musim buah... DURIAN!!!! hahahah incik tunang byk menghabiskan masa di pekan utk mendownload GAMES!!!! :D

Saturday, April 23, 2011

BIG Breakfast for TWO

incik tunang dgn 1st meal nya *HOT CAKE*

hahaha setelah lama mengidam... hari dapat gak... incik tunang agak surprise dgn nafsu makan yg terlampau oleh saya.. berjaya menghabiskan hash brown *nyummy-nyummy* , Hot Cake *BIG smile for this :D* and Sausage Egg Muffin *sampai sini da agak penuh* and Tea for me as I'm not a big fan of coffee.... incik tunang tidak berjaya menghabiskan hash brown beliau so I won! hahahaha bkn senang nak tgk saya mkn mcm MONSTER ni.. DIET? hurm kite tgk next month la camne... ngeeee

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day

okeh lagi! haish.. kene start fikir starting lagi baik dari OKEH! we celebrated Earth Day today at school.. tapi my Bubbles 1 aka my baby class tak involve pon... just other class buat and we r just joint the group.. Lepas habis half day session, during the nap time around 1.30pm td, ade 1 of the student name Wong Khai How (sumpah comel gile mamat ni) 6 years old chit-chatting with his peers. They just came out from the toilet dan terdengar si comel ni ckp "today is Earth Day, so we cannot waste the water" huhuhu da la comel, concern lak tu.. haish good job to his teacher... I should tell them not to waste water on the earth day only but everyday... tapi saya sgt busy dgn bathing bebudak yg lain so.... hust hope the teacher can explain more! nak upload gambar budak comel ni tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..... huh!


OKEH... kenapa kene start blogging dgn keh??! haha da try kotex, da try carefree.... skang nak try libresse pulak... so far ok.. selesa dan bak kata kak Adibah Noor yg comel itu... die mmg mengikut bentuk badan anda.... agak susah utk kejadian kebocoran berulang lagi dgn Libresse.. huhuhu so... jom pegi beli... murah je pon!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


okeh...masih tak bole nak bluetooth gambar lagi! tq nokia classic ku! tapi nasib baik smlm ade amek beberapa pics guna incik tunang nye phone....takpe2... sabar cik jaja... ujung bulan yeeee... huhu...
semalam dapat ticket free dari parent... and the best part was..... dapat tgk 3d RIO kat PREMIER CLASS lagi... so we went to GSC Signature The Garden... movie start pkul 8.35 tp kitorang smpi 8.45... nasib baik movie start lambat.... RIO comel gile!!! plus tgk 3d lak... mmg terbaik! huhuhu

habis tgk movie, pewot kami lapar dan terus menuju ke Kg Baru.... pusing pusing pusing pusing ternampak restoren seafood cina muslim... hurmmm ape salahnye sekali sekala mkn berat kan... huhu so kitorang order butter prawn, kailan goreng sambal and ayam ntah ape name nye... hahah ok la not bad and agak murah! butter prawn die best! nak share gambr foods tp phone wat hal takleh nak bluetooth! hurm... gimme TORCH PLEASE!! :)


ok! sepatutnya i'm blogging pasal my dinner last nite kat kg baru which is so nice! and want to share a review about Libresse.. alaaaa yg iklan Yuna dan pad nye itu.. huhu teringin nak tukar pulak.... TAPI!!!!!!!!! bluetooth device yg macam hampeh buat hal dan saya takleh nak share picture! haish.... takpe2 tggu cik tunang balik keje nnt pinjam smartphone die lak... cube try test tengok katenye.... I WANT MY OWN SMARTPHONE LAAAAAAAAA!!!

On your mark, get set, GO! Oh it's ON now! *shoves* BFF can wait for now! #Churp2race

On your mark, get set, GO! Oh it's ON now! *shoves* BFF can wait for now! #Churp2race

i want this!!!!! jom!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

we love Japan

pernah gila sbb Tokyo Drift dulu.. even smpi skang pon suke tgk jugak... fikir2 balik, sejak tsunami kat Jepun haritu, tak pernah pon sumbang apa2 utk negara matahari terbit tu... so i think this will be a good chance... jom!


Had a blast last weekend with fiancee and sissy at Pangkor! jauh sangat berbeza dari dulu! 2days and 1 night mmg tak cukup. we tried almost all the activities there and yeah... RESTLESS! the best vacation and i'm tanned! yes tq. wedding nak dekat dah ni... but takpe kot coz we had FUN FUN FUN! sampai2 kat Jeti Lumut as early as 4am! gile excited kan! hahahaha so sorry pictures agak berterabor! rushing nak g dating!

2nd day - me and sissy on airhead storm. SUPER DUPER COOL!

okeh ni lepas 2 jam smpi.. sempat tido sejam, n lepak mapley sejam. nasib baik mapley tu ade WIFI.. huhuhu matahari pon baru nak naik.. :)

2nd day - 2nd activity.. kayaking.. mcm biasa.. si tunang yg penat mengayuh! haha love ya!

2nd day - last activity. visited the other side of Pangkor.

2nd day - 2nd activity at Coral Island.. nice huh!

where we stay.. Sandy Beach Resort.. cantik n simple.. dan yg penting bilik bersih!

2nd day - 1st activity.. breakfast!!!!! yumyumyum

haha now we go terbalik on the 1st day arrived... snorkeling!!!

okeh skang saya yg pening... 2nd day... rempit sejati kata my sissy.. hahah

sissy, fiancee and me at Jetty! pepagi buta kot...

Coral Island rawks!

catching SUNSET!

ok.. agak pelik kan.. safety jacket dan snorkel equipment dlm hutan?? hurm.. 2nd activity lepas kayak, HIKING!

1st day arrived! tros jadi camera freak!

si ijad ngan pet nye...

snorkeling on the 1st day... ok saya mintak maaf sbb terpaksa blk awal sbb kesakitan perut yg teramat sgt disini.. huhuhu

cara terbaik utk jln2 di Pangkor... REMPIT! romantik kan.. hahah

me and sissy during breakfast time..

incik tunang and ijad naik storm.. ijad jan tunjuk sgt muka cuak tuh! haha

ok.. 1st time pegang GAMAT! geli at the first tapi lama2 ok... tapi still geli gak la!!!

okeh... thats all la about Pangkor... sgt best okeh!

Hurry! DiGi's giving away Honda City and iPad EACH WEEK. That's right. And all you need is just one subscription! Try today! #DiGiSenang2Menang

Hurry! DiGi's giving away Honda City and iPad EACH WEEK. That's right. And all you need is just one subscription! Try today! #DiGiSenang2Menang

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

saving up my money...

tgh confuse.. aku simpan duit utk BB Torch ke nak kawen nie sebenarnye??? ahhhh!!! no matter what happen, i'm going to get myself bb torch 1st and i want it in WHITE.... huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...... nak jugak! nak JUGAK!

Going crazy over this.. :D

sejak join ni, the only reason for me to online is to check my email, twitter and fb.. kot2 mane la tau ade my luck nak menang hadiah from yg sgt cool itu :p tapi belum ade rezeki kot.. sampai incik tunang saya bising pasal wall fb saya dipenuhi dgn mcm2 kempen... hahahah and thanks to Afra Yuri also... sbb u la i addicted kat benda2 nih! huhuhu congrats cutey for the RM1000 prize! so jeles okeh! bak mai ur lucky charm sket! and ya.. di sebabkan saya baru nak membusykan diri dlm bidang blogging ni, saya memerlukan tunjuk ajar anda wahai sayam... huhuhu.. so jom sign up kat dan pilih hadiah2 yg pasti memeningkan kepala anda! *den pon lepas 1 jam baru boleh decide nak hadiah yg mane satu huhuhu* lepas tu?? tunggu.........................

Monday, April 18, 2011

health reader!

take care of your health kengkawan! Let this online psychic read your health. it is for FREEEEEEEE!!!!

Yummy #Fruitland dessert!! Get it at only RM6.90 from #MilkADeal

Yummy #Fruitland dessert!! Get it at only RM6.90 from #MilkADeal

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How does getting rewarded through sharing sounds like to you? Join #ChurpChurp today and bring more friends to the community! Let's!

How does getting rewarded through sharing sounds like to you? Join #ChurpChurp today and bring more friends to the community! Let's!

first mc on 2011

finally! my 1st mc on 2011... 2 hari tros mc.. smlm period pain.. hari ni migraine pulok... padan muko.. sape suh mintak2 nak mc... huhu... can't wait for the vacation this weekend! PANGKOR!! dekat je kan?? tp still a vacation... kau hado?? huhu and yeah! incik fiancee punye cousin's birthday surprise party kate nye! tatau la nak g ke takk... but ade NRG y'all!!! will be held at BBC.. tanye incik tunang lagi la... :P